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About Us


Andrew started to take  a keen interest in photography in 2008 , up to that stage he was strictly holiday shots and family photos. He now enjoys landscapes and wildlife as well as experimenting with abstracts and ' intentional camera movement' - or , as the other members call it - 'arty farty' !


Bill was one of the original group who met up at the Masham Community Centre and has been taking photographs for years, starting with a Box Brownie and worked his way through every format until arriving at the digital age with a digital SLR.

His favourite subjects are animals especially dogs and donkeys and his favourite way of displaying them is by slide shows with music or on large prints. He is also the webmaster of


Ian is a photographer with many years experience both in film and now digital. He is the President and past chairman of the Masham Camera Club.

Ian likes to photograph anything and everything , from landscapes to motor bikes.His enthusiasm for photography is infectious and a great inspiration to the rest of the group, he has a wonderful eye for picking out the unusual and humorous
Sadly Ian passed away on May 10th 2022 aged 77, he will be sadly missed.

Ian Watkins

Ian is one of our newer members and enjoys all aspects of photography but has a particular interest in kite aerial photography.  This interest in kite aerial photography takes Ian to many interesting and diverse venues all around the North of England capturing the many iconic monuments, buildings and structures from unusual aerial angles from heights of up to 200 feet.  Ian has taken full advantage of the group's collective photographic knowledge to develop his aerial photographs which have gone from strength to strength since he first started with the group


Joan is a very enthusiastic photographer. She is widely travelled and has a great range of travel photos from all over the world as well as lots of local ones from in and around North Yorkshire. The skill that Joan is most hoping to develop is Audio Visual display where she can showcase her travel photos.


Bob is one of the original founder members who met up a digital photography course at the Masham Community Centre. Bob’s other passion is walking which fits in well with photography but even that has brought complaints from his fellow walkers. when they are always waiting for him to catch up because he has just seen yet  another photo opportunity


My earliest experience of photography was as a small child  turning the scullery light on and off to order, as my father balanced on a step ladder exposing his prints to the bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

I was, understandably, not interested in photography again until  later in life when a couple of ad hoc jobs brought me into contact with the world of photographers, so I was inspired to 'Have a Go'.

I am still 'Having a Go' and have not yet found a particular niche so I take a mix of subjects as they occur.  


Len is a keen photographer with over fifty yeas experience. His photographic passions are wildlife and landscape followed by cycle sport and studio portraiture.

Len's reason for joining was to help reinvigorate his diminished photographic ability after a head injury resulting in an unintended flight in a Yorkshire Air Ambulance in 2011

Masham Photographers are a group of people who share a passion for taking photographs, they meet weekly alternating their meetings from one week in the Town Hall Masham and one week out and about taking photographs. They love their photography but don't take themselves too seriously, its all about seeing places and having fun,  usually followed of course by a very nice tea room for jam and scones.
Click on the photos below to find out more about the group.

Photography is one of Steve's Hobbies which he tries to combine with traveling around the UK and beyond.

Steve's early photography was inspired by trying to capture his walking and climbing activities in the lake district and landscape photography is still his main interest.
Steve has joined Masham Photographers to meet new people, finding new places to photograph and to be introduced to new genres of Photography

York & East Coast 2022
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